Fireproof windows PARAFLAM

Fire-resistant glass packs Paraflam Fire-resistant glass packs Paraflam are used in fire-resistant windows and doors in the entrance groups of buildings. Double-glazed windows can be made both in double-cavty and in single-cavity execution. Brand Glass offers many advantages for fire-resistant double-glazed windows:

- a wide range of colors and shades in selective glazing
- high level sun protection
- wide reflectivity glazing
- very high selectivity: high Lt, low SF
- very low coefficient Ug = 0.5 for selective units with two cavities sealed with a Brand Glass unit

The possibility of sealing in IG-unit fire resistant glass with any float glass with high thermal insulation properties available on the market (solar energy control, light transmission, thermal insulation) improves the energy balance of the building.

The ability to seal selective glazing with PARAFLAM glass ensures uniform aesthetic properties of the glass when the fireproof facade is combined with a non fire rated facade.

Fire resistance by criteria E, I, W 30 or 60 min.
IG unit thickness from  33 up to 45 mm
Weight of square meter 59  kg/m²
Light transmittance factor τe 78%
Thermal properties : U-Value [W/(m².K)] 1.0 --  1.3
Pendulum body impact resistance 2/B/2,   СМ 3
Sound reduction 45 dB
Operating temperature -40 .. +50 ºС
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